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Five Ways We Can Build Strong Relationships

Nothing is stronger or more beautiful than having loving relationships with our family and friends.

Not everyone comes from or has a loving family, but there are small things we can do to improve where we are in our family and friends now. We might think that small and simple things often get little attention, but they can make a big difference in a person’s life, both positively and negatively.

1. Service: Service starts by how we serve our family, friends and co-workers. We must make every effort to serve them in every possible way. Service reflects true love and devotion. Caring service has great influence on the hearts and minds of children. It calms the fear, doubt and discouragement children will face through their lives. All parents must be willing to serve their families. It is from service that children experience happiness and begin to understand the importance of having a happy family of their own for the future.

2. Kindness: We may never know what a little kindness can do for a person, but we do know that kindness is within our reach. Unfortunately, many people feel they have little to offer toward others’ well-being and happiness. We must realize what small and simple acts of kindness can mean in a person’s life. Kindness can cause great things to happen, both to the giver and the receiver.

Speak kindly to others and about others, even if they are not present. What we say and how we say it do not go unnoticed by others, especially our own children.

3. Fairness: Everyone has a deep desire and need to be treated equally. A marriage relationship should be an equal partnership with the understanding from both husband and wife that this is a significant relationship which sets a good example for their children. All relationships with family and friends require fairness which creates self-motivation, creativity, commitment, positive attitude and behavior. A relationship takes fairness for love to grow and flourish. Even in an employment setting, fairness has great rewards of higher performance, satisfaction, innovation, service, delivery, and greater harmony between employees.

4. Appreciation: Everyone loves to be appreciated and complemented, particularly by people who are significant in their lives such as family members, friends, teachers and co-workers. Marital relationships are perhaps one of the most critical areas where appreciation by a spouse is most desired and needed. Sadly, words or acts of appreciation are often overlooked or ignored.

Acts of appreciation are not difficult to do and do not cost anything. Some examples of acts of appreciation are complementing others, showing patience by listening, writing notes of appreciation, and polite speech in conversation. These acts of appreciation are powerful and positive tools which can quickly turn a stressful situation into support and understanding.

5. Laughter: Laughter, as any medical journal will state is good for the body, the mind and the spirit. It is proven to boost the immune system, clear the mind and provide relaxation. Laughter literally helps heal the body. Marriage needs laughter that comes from happiness and joy. The capacity to experience joy and laughter are powerful, positive attributes. They form unity and soften the heart. The need for joy, laughter and friendship in life is just as important for the young as it is for the old. Find ways to laugh every day with loved ones.

We were not created to live life alone, but rather to live our lives with loved ones and friends embracing goodness that brings much peace and happiness. Building strong relationships between individuals is an important key to success in all aspects of our lives and these five tools can help us accomplish this.

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